Pervin Dönmez, photographer settled in Riga, Latvia, was born in Ankara, Turkey.
She studied philosophy at the Middle East Technical University, participated in visual arts classes at GISAM (Audiovisual Systems Research and Application Center) and the Photography Club.
As a member of an NGO, she participated in social projects including disadvantaged children and homeless people.
After graduating, she moved to France where she volunteered and lived in a community of homeless people for more than a year.
She continued her photographic adventure as a field of interest after turning back to Turkey and became a member of Photographic Art Institution, Ankara.
After a few years, she came back to Europe, to Riga, where she finally found the opportunity to do what she loved doing the most; she participated in the production of documentary films with a group of journalists and focused on photography and moved to France for 5 months to study photography at a visual arts school.
As a lifelong learner, she is currently a master student at the International Photography School in Berlin, where she is working on her ongoing projects.
She is a human being, an individual, a woman, a wife, a mother of two children with two cats and a dog. She is a member of the Workers‘ Party of Turkey (Türkiye Ä°ÅŸçi Partisi) and the Woman Councils.
She loves cooking, winter, animals and does not eat them.